Friday, February 24, 2012

Our favorite things.

I asked Evan yesterday what his favorite thing in our kitchen was.  He looked at me and said "what do you think?"  And then I realized I shouldn't have had to ask.  
His knife.
As for me:

Coconut-nested eggs were had again for breakfast (no I don't think I can tire of them).  
Mariel even texted me a photo of her delicious omelet breakfast!  She's a natural.

And last night for dinner we tried a new recipe in the Make it Paleo cookbook.  Spaghetti.  But not over noodles as I mentioned yesterday that we couldn't find any spaghetti squashes.  We cooked up some cauliflower rice and served it over that.  Was quite tasty we both agreed.

We also finished our meals for the work week.  All tupperwared up in the fridge :)  Beef curry over cauliflower rice with roasted baby carrots, chicken and salsa from the crock pot with vegetables and then the rest of the spaghetti over cauliflower rice.  All fantastic meals and super easy to make!  


  1. Replies
    1. I believe it was an Amazon find :) We love it too!!

  2. I love your blog! Just read the last two entries...whoo-hoo, a blog spotlight! Yessssss! :) Day 4 of Paleo Lent...the food temptations have been tough with lots of yumminess all around me, but I've been strong so far. I do realize, however, that I need to start really cooking/preparing Paleo meals like you and Evan, because I'm still hungry most of the time, and I don't think I'm balancing things right.

    Yesterday's menu (it was Friday so I had to abstain from meat): 2-egg omelet with green bell peppers, tomatoes, and spinach leaves; almonds and walnuts; clementines; spinach salad with dried cranberries and a drizzle of olive oil; steamed carrots and green beans; almond butter and an apple; salmon roll (just raw salmon in seaweed sans rice and cream cheese of course) and steamed vegetable stir fry of mushrooms, onions, broccoli, and carrots.

    Today's breakfast: MEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm hungry! LOL

    How are you guys doing with your Lenten/Paleo resolution?? :)

    1. Glad you're doing so well with the paleo meals!! You are so strong! I love your pictures you send and from what you've told me you are a natural at creating dishes from anything and everything. I struggle to be creative in the kitchen and often follow a recipe. I need to get better with trying my own ideas :) We've been doing well but I'm still craving sweets! That is my hardest part of paleo but I've experienced in the past that the cravings will stop so long as I abstain for an extended time period. Waiting for that!! Impatiently :)

      Keep staying strong!
