Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day to "clean like company's coming"

We live in an apartment complex.  We get notices from time to time.  Just yesterday we received a notice that QUARTERLY inspections will be occurring this year and the first is next week.  Grumble.  Inspection- no big deal.  Inspection without having paid our pet deposit for having Humphrey- big deal.  We figured there was no other choice but to bite the bullet and pay the $300 non-refundable pet fee that we have been avoiding since September 13th!  At least he can lounge in the open windows now and we have nothing to worry about.  Humphrey, you owe us!

Aside from losing out on $300 it's been a decent day.  It's my last day off before I'm back to work at SeaWorld so I've been using the time to do an extensive cleaning before the inspection next week.  Dusting, vacuuming, laundry, bathroom and kitchen scrub downs, etc.  AND it's also cooking day so Evan and I have meals for the working weekend.  

In the crock pot is chicken and salsa.  Beef curry with cauliflower rice is ready to go.  Last one to make will be spaghetti meat with veggies served with cauliflower rice as well (there were no spaghetti squashes to be found).  We had coconut-nested eggs for breakfast and I just love those more and more each time.  They remind me of danishes!

Ginger green tea

Mariel seems to be doing well on her lent/paleo days.  She was asking if dried cranberries were okay to pack in her lunch.  Yes, dried fruit is incredibly sugar loaded but I figure if you're not out to lose weight (and she definitely doesn't need to) then I say fruit and dried fruit are fine.  

Evan just got home from work.  See everyone soon!  

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