Friday, December 2, 2011

Days 3-6!

Oops.  We're still here!  And still going strong as day six has begun.  Sorry for the delay but after working long days, coming home to eat dinner and changing out of work clothes all I want to do is lay down.  I'm sure you understand.

mackerel, vegetables, avocado breakfast
So, day 3 is where we shall start.  Oh, by the way, the temptations and cravings are still going strong!  Mainly for sweets.  Ugh.  Day 3 was Tuesday and for breakfast this day we tried some canned mackerel from Whole Foods only to discover it was not boneless nor skinless.  Not a big deal though really.  After pulling out those tiny, pokey pieces we threw two servings on the skillet along with some onion, yellow squash, mushroom and a couple eggs.  Once all was cooked we served it with an avocado to get some fat in our morning meal :)

Lunch on Tuesday was more chicken and salsa which has quickly become one of my favorite dishes as it's so easy to make and so tasty (you can find it in our recipe section).  A side of broccoli was added and as usual I was sipping on black coffee post lunch.

Seasoned beef liver w/ onion & green pepper
Dinner was amazing!  Evan cooked up some beef liver again but coated it with salt, pepper and onion powder then cooked it in olive oil with cayenne pepper, curry powder, garlic and threw in some onion and green pepper.  It was so flavorful and I could barely taste the distinct liver flavor!  I have saved this recipe for sure.

Day 4
Sausages aren't approved by everyone in the Paleo community but we did manage to find some in the freezer section at Whole Foods that contain no nitrates, nitrites, antibiotics, gluten nor casein.  They're Applegate naturals brand and aren't bad for frozen sausages.  Wednesday morning we each had a couple of these turkey sausages along with an egg and 1/2 an avocado.  We probably threw in a few veggies such as onion and mushroom but I honestly can't remember...  Sorry!
Beef curry w/ green beans
Lunch on this day was more chicken and salsa with some broccoli (we make 2 lbs of this at a time so it lasts us several meals and no, I never tire of it!)
Dinner was another one of my favorites that we make just about every week because of it's simplicity.  Beef curry.  I don't think the picture does it justice but once you take a bite you just can't seem to get enough.  This is another recipe you can find in the recipe pages.

Day 5
Thursday!  This morning we devoured some more of that canned mackerel along with an egg each and some squash, mushrooms and avocado.  More chicken and salsa for lunch but this time with some asparagus (one of our favorite veggies).  Dinner was another serving of beef curry with green beans.
And just as a side note: we often eat repeat meals throughout the week because it saves us loads of time.  We just typically choose dishes we're not going to get sick of eating a few times in a row and leave it at that.  Trying to make a new dish for every meal every day does not work with our lives.  We are often working and need lunches packed in advance.

Day 6
Today is Friday, day 6.  I may or may have not mentioned it but this is the "umpteenth" time Evan and I have attempted to do a strict 30 days of Paleo since April 2011 when we did our first and last 30 days.  We typically make it about a week and then give in to our desires for Chinese, plantain chips, sugary sweets, and so on.  I do recall it taking about 2 weeks before I could look at a non-paleo food item/meal and have absolutely no desire to consume it.  I WANT THAT AGAIN.
Noatmeal w/ coconut butter
Back to day 6.  This morning we indulged in one of our favorite breakfasts, Noatmeal.  Typically we have it with almond butter but this time we decided to buy some unsweetened coconut at Whole Foods and make our own coconut butter.  All I had to do is throw it in the food processor and turn the thing on for several minutes.  Voila!  Coconut butter! This dish is VERY filling.  Ended up having a few bites untouched.
And now, I'm up to date!  It's about 11:30 a.m. on Friday and I am loving having the day off work!  I've already run some errands and will probably be filling my belly with some lunch here soon.  Today's lunch will be chicken & salsa with asparagus (bet you could have guessed that).
Tonight's dinner is a new one for the week, spaghetti squash spaghetti.  Another one of our favorites.  Check out the recipe pages for this one as well.  We use one medium sized spaghetti squash, about a lb of ground meat (usually beef or turkey), some low-sodium organic sauce, onion and whatever other veggies you want in there.
Now I'm off to enjoy the day!  71 degrees outside on December 2nd!  Beautiful weekend ahead.

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