Friday, January 20, 2012

A Tanzanian kind of morning

I'm working a "late" shift today (10:30-7) but was out of bed early as I had to take advantage of the time to work on that surprise I was mentioning previously ;) I ate breakfast with Evan which consisted of leftover egg muffins and a couple bacon slices.  We still have four muffins remaining for tomorrow!  Makes early mornings much simpler to have already prepared meals.  The avocados we purchased on Wednesday are still rock hard :/ I am wondering if there is a way to expedite the ripening process...?

We stopped by Barnie's Coffee Kitchen last night to pick up some coffee filters and were lucky enough to be given a few samples from the brewmaster on duty.  This morning we enjoyed a cup of Tanzanian Peaberry.  So good!

Lunch today was leftover bangers and mash from dinner last night.  I had to reheat it in the microwave at work and find myself a cozy corner to consume and to start reading my new library book, The Hunger Games.  I have several friends who have read the trilogy and have seen the movie so I wanted to see for myself what the hype was about.  So far, I like it.

I ended up getting out of work a bit late tonight as unexpected events occurred.  BUT I came home to a warm dinner thanks to Evan who had our spaghetti leftovers heated with some green beans.  I didn't put my fork down between bites and I didn't chew very well.  Guess I was hungry.  And now, I think it's time for bed already.  I've got another long day tomorrow so rest is very much needed.

Until then, zzzzzzzzzzz :)

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