An evening in the kitchen.
We spent a good amount of time in the kitchen last night. First things first, I did remember to take a picture of last night's dinner. Are you not proud of me?! Evan asked what my favorite spice was and after a brief moment of thought I responded "cinnamon" not knowing his reason for asking. Well, he was choosing what to season the beef liver in prior to cooking so cinnamon is what he chose. Ha. Believe it or not, it was DELICIOUS! He used a few other seasonings as well but you could definitely taste the cinnamon and it was much better than I would have imagined. I mean come on, beef liver with cinnamon? Mmmmm.
After dinner we had to cook today's lunch so Evan could pack it for work. We bought some beef chuck steak at Whole Foods so we threw on a variety of seasonings and cooked it up on the stove top. We typically like our beef to remain quite pink on the inside. Along with the steak for lunch today will be some baked radishes and carrots.
After dinner was consumed and today's lunch was prepared we decided to break out the unsweetened coconut flakes we bought and turn it into coconut butter in preparation for our Noatmeal breakfast coming up tomorrow. Coconut has always been one of my favorite foods so I am pretty stoked we're able to eat it while eating Paleo :) To make coconut butter all you have to do is throw it in your food processor and turn it on! I've seen some recipes that add coconut oil or milk and other things but it's not necessary. It takes several minutes for it to turn into "butter" but it's worth the wait. We scooped our finished product into two corn-on-the-cob dishes we never use and put them in the fridge to stiffen up. I am so looking forward to that Noatmeal!
While making the coconut butter we decided we were still hungry after dinner so we mixed up a few eggs, some almond flour, baking soda, nutmeg and cinnamon to make a few pancakes. They were super easy and quick to make and especially yummy when we topped them with freshly made coconut butter!
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