Grocery shopping for the week is complete and I must give a huge thank you to Evan's friends for the $100 gift card to Whole Foods that they so generously gave to us recently. So very helpful!
We have our week of meals all planned out and will do most of the cooking today as we both have the majority of the day off. We purchased some raw shrimp, ground beef, ground turkey, chicken breasts, stew beef, bacon, eggs and several veggies.
Avocados were on sale! |
After we came home from shopping last night we were eager to get some food in us so we cooked up some turnip greens with bacon fat/grease that we had saved and then reheated the beef chili we made the previous night. Tasty dish!
We definitely struggled with our desire to snack last night. Evan was craving mixed nuts (which could be healthy but not the way we consume them) and I was craving popcorn to go along with the movie we were planning to watch. We stayed strong and sipped on some lemon water while eating a few bites of *unsweetened, shredded coconut.
*I just learned this morning (about 5 minutes ago) how fatty this stuff is! I've been eating it by the bowl full just to find out there are 100 calories in 3 Tbsp and 90 of those are from fat. Yikes! Guess I should probably cut back on the gluttonous consumption of coconut. Bummer.
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