Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New month. New start.

Wow.  January surely did whiz by.  I can hardly believe that tomorrow is the beginning of a new month and a good month at that.  February means it is Evan's 25th birthday AND our 2 year anniversary!!  

With this new month right around the corner, we're making a change.  Yeah, that "post holidays 30 days strict" thing didn't last more than 5 or so days.  This time no promises will be made as it has become evident that we break our paleo commitments EVERY SINGLE TIME.  And every time it's an embarrassment and every time we gain weight and feel terrible about ourselves.  Today we ate lunch at a sandwich shop called Which Wich? just because we had coupons for free sandwiches.  Now, they were delicious, toasted sandwiches but far from paleo.  We said out loud in the parking lot "NO MORE!"  And so there you have it, another restart to our paleo lives.  We had a snack of coconut nested eggs this afternoon and once Evan returns from flag football practice we'll consume some leftover turkey meatloaf with a side of sweet potato fries.  The day will end paleo and continue through tomorrow and the next day and so forth.  My weight tonight is 121 lbs.  Ouch.  I was holding strong at 110 while being mostly strict paleo.  Wish us luck and I'll see you back here tomorrow :)

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