Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Make Paleo your drug

It's not easy.  It's a huge life change.  Maybe the biggest one you will have made in a very long time.  But I PROMISE you it is worth it.  You're going to have loads of cravings.  You have to be strong.  You can't give in.  There are billions of testimonials out there about Paleo saving lives and reversing disease.  Don't you want to be able to share your own story?  Our  doctors and the pharmaceutical industry want us on their drugs to put some dollars in their pockets.  Drugs only mask symptoms but food can reverse and cure what ails you.  You have a choice.  The drugs WILL kill eventually.  They are not natural.  Our bodies are strong and can fight illness if we give it the proper fuel.  The most-used drugs in America are, primarily, used to treat conditions that can be better treated without drugs.  

While uncontrolled high blood pressure is a very serious health concern that can lead to heart disease and increases your risk of having a stroke, it's important to understand that natural approaches are very effective for this condition.
Following a healthy nutrition plan and limiting fructose along with exercising and implementing effective stress reduction techniques will normalize blood pressure in most people.
You'll also want to be sure your vitamin D levels are optimized, as vitamin D is a negative inhibitor of your body's renin-angiotensin system (RAS), which regulates blood pressure. If you're vitamin D deficient, it can cause inappropriate activation of your RAS, which may lead to hypertension.

The first thing you need to do is remove all grains and sugars, particularly fructose, from your diet until both your weight and your blood pressure have normalized. Eating sug­ars and grains -- in­cluding any type of bread, pasta, corn, potatoes, or rice -- will cause your insulin levels, and your blood pressure, to remain elevated.